

.Net Software Engineer / Architect

  • Languages: C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python
  • Frameworks/Technologies: .NET, Angular, WebApi, SQL, TSQL, Blazor, Ionic, MAUI
  • Tools: Azure DevOps, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Cloud, VS Code, Jetbrains IDEs, NeoVim
  • Cloud Tools: Azure WebApps, Azure Storage, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Grid, Azure Functions, Azure Search, Azure Maps, Azure Storage, Azure SQL, Azure Api Gateway 
  • Soft Skills: Strong interpersonal and communication skills, adaptability, detail-oriented
  • Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Safe, Kanban
  • Design Patterns: Micro Services, Mediator, Sub/Pub, Observer, Domain Driven Design, CQRS, Event Sourcing 
About Me

With a passion for technology and an analytical problem-solving approach, I am eager to contribute to innovative projects in software development. My professional journey has been marked by a dedication to developing scalable and secure applications, using my extensive .Net expertise to deliver top-tier software solutions. I thrive in dynamic environments, adapting swiftly to new challenges and continuously advancing my technical skills.

  • I currently live in Palm Bay, FL.
  • I am willing to accept Local, Remote, and Hybrid Positions.
  • I can travel anywhere in the US Continental Boarders

Recent Projects

ACOM Service Scheduler

Integrated with Autosoft Dealer Management System, This solution provides customers quick access to service scheduling and repair status.

Med Chart Sync

Keeping patient care teams in sync can be difficult unless you have a system to share patient notes securely between clinicians.

Planet Aid CMS 2.0

With automation for building optimized routes and an architecture to drive performance with hundreds of active users, CMS 2 serves the needs of Planet Aid.

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