XAF Project Setup for EF Core with MySQL

DevExpress XAF Series
When starting a new project in DevExpress XAF, I follow a series of steps to prepare it for development. I generally develop on a Mac Book Pro, so these steps are geared toward running the process on my Mac Book Pro with an M1 Processor. Read more
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Navigating the Oceans of Life

Ship at sea returning to port
Another significant spiritual danger we must consider are the Waves of Complacency. Like gentle waves on the ocean, we can be rocked into a sense of Complacency that can subtly erode our spiritual foundation, much like how a calm sea can suddenly give way to treacherous currents if we are not vigilant. Read more
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Managing State with Blazor SSR Interactive Components

Blazor Series- Managing State with Blazor SSR Interactive Components
This layout is rendered on the server and does not directly support interactivity. We could move the Layout to be rendered on the client, but then nothing would use SSR, and that's a waste. Let's use reactive magic and client-side coding to rub some interactive funk on it! Read more
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Blazor SSR & MudFields: EditContext Issues

Blazor Series: MudBlazor & Blazor SSR EditForms
Don't cast out your Mud Components like a catholic priest on a six-week exorcist tour. Read more
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Seeds of Faith: Nurturing Belief in the Garden of Life

A man teaching a small boy to tend a garden.
In the beginning, living the gospel can seem like a chore, something that takes up precious time that we would rather spend riding our bikes, or engaging with friends. But, as we endeavor to do the things that we are commanded, and exercise faith in our beliefs, our garden will grow. The summer will pass into harvest, and we shall see the fruits of our labors. Then shall we know the truth of these things? Read more
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Enhanced Security Features in .NET 8

Engineers Developing Secure Code, Drawn by DALL-E from Open AI

With the release of .NET 8, a slew of Security Features have been introduced to help Developers harden their applications against attacks. In this article, we will look atew features and some of these nhow you can start using Read more

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